Banana Hell

“Banana Hell” is a joke game about how much it sucks and how stupid you are for playing it. It doesn’t get more meaningful or humorous than that, and as the joke isn’t funny, it begs the question of why it was made and why anyone should play it. I suppose one COULD consider this parodical of “rage games” (titles with obtuse or otherwise difficult mechanics mostly played by Internet personalities who like to make anguished faces for their thumbnails), but “lol rage games suck” was played out to the audience that would encounter “Banana Hell” several years ago. Pointless.



Cactus Jack / Dude Love / Mankind / Mick Foley vs. Randy Orton (Hardcore match) for the WWE Intercontinental Championship, from WWE Backlash 2004


BxB Hulk vs. YAMATO, from Dragon Gate USA Enter the Dragon / Open the Historic Gate