Bruiser Brody and Stan Hansen vs. The Funks (Terry Funk and Dory Funk, Jr.) (World Tag Team League Match), from AJPW Grand Champion Carnival 1 Night 27

Is it weird that I found something hysterical about Bruiser Brody playing Boy Scout? He’s willing to do double-team moves with his hothead partner and he has a mean dropkick, but when a Funk takes liberties with him, Brody has to remind himself that committing homicide will get himself disqualified and that means he doesn’t get a win bonus. It’s the closest thing this match has to dramatic tension as the first two-thirds are wrapped up in well-executed wrestling holds that don’t build to a mighty crescendo. They’d have better matches later, though this is enjoyable in its own right.





Brock Lesnar vs. Kofi Kingston for the WWE Championship, from the October 4, 2019 edition of WWE Smackdown (main event of the first episode on FOX)