CM Punk vs. The Undertaker, from WWE WrestleMania 29

Punk, quivering in anticipation, gulped in a world of air. "I, uh," he said, "like your tattoos."

The Undertaker's facial expression changed. A smirk? A smile? "I like Pepsi," he said, his booming voice activating the hairs on Punk's arm.

Punk couldn't believe it. He had expected to be shot down immediately, had prepared for it, but for his senpai to give even the slightest bit of reciprocation meant more than any title win.

Punk licked his chops. He knew if he was to act, this was the time. Swallowing his fear, he leaned forward and caressed the Undertaker's supple—



WWF WrestleMania X7 (also marketed as “Wrestlemania 17”)


Necro Butcher vs. Samoa Joe, from IWA Mid-South Something to Prove (revisited)