Do Fixer (Dragon Kid, Genki Horiguchi, and Ryo Saito) vs. Blood Generation (CIMA and Speed Muscle (Masato Yoshino and Naruki Doi)) (Dragon Gate tag rules), from Ring of Honor Supercard of Honor

It says something (negative) about the IWC that there was ever a debate about how good this match is. It’s a spotfest that has little psychology, say the naysayers, which is like criticizing a cup of coffee because it is full of sugar—yep, it sure is. It’s a steady build of spots, with each more spectacular than the last and somehow still finishing the match on the biggest spot, with only ROH’s shoestring budget holding it back from being even more dazzling (Yoshino’s top-rope dropkick might have looked better from the hard cam). Watch this match, all of you.



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