Holy Demon Army (Akira Taue and Toshiaki Kawada) and Yoshinari Ogawa vs. Super Generation Army (Jun Akiyama, Kenta Kobashi and Mitsuharu Misawa), from AJPW Summer Action Series 1993 Night 1

The quality of this match at any point in time was dependent on which of the heels was the legal man: pretty great when Kawada was in, basically alright when Taue was in, and all kinds of heatless when Ogawa was in. I can understand how this got rave reviews at the time it happened as the moves being done here were innovative and eye-catching, in 1993. These guys signpost their characters well but don't do much in terms of telling a story, and the few times they find a narrative thread, Ogawa tags in and the crowd stops caring.



Hong Kong 97

