Tam Nakano vs. Giulia (Hair vs. Hair) for the Wonder of Stardom Championship, from Stardom All Star Dream Cinderella also marketed as “Stardom 10th Anniversary ~Hinamatsuri All-Star Dream Cinderella~”

WWE would have to be out of their minds to not aggressively pursue Giulia. No disrespect to Nakano, she’s spectacular at what she does, but most of what I love about this match comes from Giulia’s stage presence and mannerisms. I knew nothing of the rivalry going into this, but Giulia quickly escalating the violence past the usual “main event” antics into the territory of cruel violence, combined with their disparate attires and appearances, made it clear this is a battle of ideals, easily justifying the frightening set of moves down the stretch. My favorite match of 2021 so far.



Tay Conti vs. Dr. Britt Baker for the AEW Women’s Championship, from AEW Full Gear 2021


Tall Girl