The Nexxus vs. Bret Hart, Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan, Edge, John Cena, John Morrison, and R-Truth (Survivor Series style rules), from WWE Summerslam 2010

A masterfully well-executed encounter with engaging drama and twists that has a fatal flaw with its finish. The whole match is a build to one ending, only to undercut itself in its final minute and go with something wholly unearned. It is brilliant up until then, with even the lesser names up there delivering the goods, but, well, no one reads a book so they can get to the middle of the story. It is an insult to the workers, the audience, and the product itself to go with such a flawed finish. It hurt everyone and helped no one.



Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl (Switch version) (over fifty hours played for review, somehow)


New Japan Wrestle Kingdom 13