WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgames!

Ever desire to have someone burst through your door, gun pointed straight at your head, screaming “give me the schnaltzicop or I will kill everyone you love”, leaving you to ponder who this person is, what in the world a schnaltzicop could possibly be, why Greg left the door unlocked when you told him a million times there’s a reason you have three deadbolts on the damn thing, and what you should actually do in this moment? Also, do you want this sensation on the go? Well, have I got the game for you! Several, in fact! Arguably too many!



Barbie (2023 film)


Blackpool Combat Club, Konosuke Takeshita, and PAC / Neville vs. Golden Elite (Blood & Guts), from the July 19, 2023 episode of AEW Dynamite