Pieces of a Woman

I can’t say “Pieces” broke me in a manner that other films like it (“In the Bedroom”, “Marriage Story”, this past year’s “Two of Us”) were able to, but I’d argue it managing to make a great feature film out of subject matter far more intense and potentially distressing than those films make it better than at least “Two”. Phenomenal performances and excellent camerawork make for a film that’s easy to remain engrossed in; the twenty-two minute long take deserves special mention. I might have been more positive were it not for some poor choices in terms of the music.





Pentagon Jr. vs. Black Lotus Triad (Doku / Kairi Hojo / Kairi Sane, Yurei / Mayu Iwatani, and Hitokiri / Io Shirai) (Handicap / Gauntlet), from the “Breaker of Bones” episode of Lucha Underground