Super (2010 American film)

A better version of “Kick-Ass”, aware of its own identity and never diverging from that even as it reaches its action-packed, gory climax. “Super” earns its R rating through a litany of offenses that leave me shocked it didn’t garner an NC-17 (the protagonist stopping an incident of child prostitution after an audible unzip is among its weakest shocks), but the story here is strong enough to earn that weirdness. Unlike most shit superhero films, “Super” knows enough to conclude its main arc and the “hero”’s personal journey at the same time. Comparable to “Guardians”, if you have the stomach.



The Undertaker (Brian Lee) vs. The Undertaker, from WWF Summerslam 1994


Beatdown Clan (Low Ki / Kaval / Senshi and Samoa Joe) vs. Homicide and Kenta Kobashi, from Ring of Honor Unforgettable