Super Baseball Simulator 1.000

The best part is the notion that THIS, unlike all the other baseball games on the system, aims to simulate the experience of playing baseball. There’s some wacky stuff you can do with powers, but it’s otherwise worthless so I scoured YouTube looking for comments to post and then make a Jim face. Ahem: “1000 is pretty random why not 6245”. Good point! “If you never played this as a kid you wouldn't understand... This was like the ultimate fun game no cap... ESPECIALLY two players”. The ULTIMATE? “I don't know whether to root for Al or Ho”. Me, neither!



Super Dodge Ball (NES version)


1-2-3 Kid / X-Pac and Razor Ramon / Scott Hall vs. 2 Dudes With Attitude (Diesel / Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels) for the WWF Tag Team Championship, from the October 30 1994 episode of WWF Action Zone