Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection (Switch version)

Retrospective compilations need to do more than present a legal way to own these titles because, being frank, gamers made their peace with piracy a long time ago, and “Cowabunga” has the goods. Options are available to have these games, many of which are timeless classics, running better than ever (though the modding scene for “Fighters” leaves this version in the dust), and a healthy number of save states, rewinds, and automated playthroughs mean the worst and most unforgiving of these can still be finished. A wonderful look back that still could’ve used an episode or two of the cartoon.



WWF War Zone (Game Boy version)


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue (version found in the Switch port of The Cowabunga Collection played for review)