GCW Emo Fight

Objectively terrible. The production was riddled with errors, from onscreen graphics lasting less than a second to music often cutting out, and on a show so dedicated to concept, the miscues were actively distracting. The matches themselves were mostly bad, bottoming out with Allie Katch (who went by Allie Way on this show for reasons that are beyond me) having her second horrible match this week. Match of the night is a tossup between three storyless stuntfests. This might be GCW’s worst show, and if you’ve no investment in mid-Aughts Jimmy Jacobs, there’s little reason for you to watch this.

10 (I lost a bet, don’t ask)


Genichiro Tenryu and Toshiaki Kawada vs. Stan Hansen and Terry Gordy, AJPW Real Tag Finals 1988


Garfield Kart (PC version)